INSTRUCTIONS: In order for the court to assign your case to the proper court location, this venue declaration is required. This file provides essential forms and instructions for filing a petition for grandparent visitation rights.If you're a grandparent who needs to establish visitation rights to see your grandchild, contact a San Diego family law attorney at Mattis Law, APC. That means grandparents cannot petition for visitation if both parents (including their own child) forbid it. However, there are exceptions to this situation. Under California Family Code 3021 and 3103, the family courts in California and San Diego are permitted to allow grandparent visitation in certain instances. What you get: Instant access to fillable Microsoft Word or PDF forms. Minimize the risk of using outdated forms and eliminate rejected fillings. If your grandchild is already involved in a custody case with their parents, you would then need to file for visitation under the existing case. Fortunately, the law allows grandparents to petition the court and request for visitation rights.