Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus. First, a U.S.C. § 2254 allows us to file a petition for Habeas Corpus when the client is in custody under sentence of a state court and is in a state prison.First, after preparing the papers, was filing with the Court; all Writs are a new proceeding, with the need to purchase a new Index number and file an RJI. You should use this form if. First, after preparing the papers, was filing with the Court; all Writs are a new proceeding, with the need to purchase a new Index number and file an RJI. JOSEPH PONTE, Commissioner,. Department of Correction,. Respondent. A saliva sample was also taken from petitioner at this meeting. In this instance, SJC Rule governs the appellate procedure. Under Rule , the petitioner must file a notice of appeal with the clerk within seven days.