You'll file your case with the superior court in the county where you live or where the other parent lives. Write the court's name on all your forms.This video walks you through completing the Parentign Plan form required in several types of Washington State court cases. Use this form to ask for a Parenting Plan, Residential Schedule or Child Support Order only if parentage has already been established by:. If you need both an Emergency and Minor Guardianship you must file 2 separate petitions, with two separate cases and case numbers. You need to review the entire parenting plan to see what the parenting plan is. Reading one section or sentence may not be helpful. You will need to file the appropriate court action and fill out a series of forms including a proposed parenting plan, which includes a "residential schedule."1. But, you will still have to file an action to change the Parenting Plan. Once a court order is in place, if you feel it has been violated you need to fill out a Motion for.