Performance Arrangement for Entertainers at University events. The following webpage outlines ASU's process of engaging speakers, artists, and performers for such events.1. Enter the employee's name and department. This year all Arizona State Personnel System agencies will begin adopting a new, improved performance management system called AZPerforms! The Council shall provide a manual that provides clear and concise guidelines for objectively measuring and reporting employee performance. Many of the forms need to be downloaded before you can make edits. Training will cover the new collaborative process, how to fill out the new appraisal form, tips to promote impactful and ongoing performance dialogue. Here, State of Arizona employees, managers, and power users can easily jump to the HR portal to login, view user guides, and check system availability. The Office of Human Resources will place the original copy of the final Performance Appraisal in the employee's personnel file. An Arizona employment contract lays out the terms of the employment.