County, upon written notice to Contractor, may immediately terminate this Contract should Contractor fail to perform properly any of its obligations hereunder. Forms ; ADOPT-230, Adoption Expenses ; ADOPT-310, Contact After Adoption Agreement ; ADOPT-315, Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption Agreement.Time of Performance. 1.1. The Ar cles and provisions contained herein cons tute a bilateral and binding agreement. The employee must have been employed full-time in the. Contra Costa Community College District for at least ten (10) years in a faculty position. 14.1.4. The following to be filled out only when preparing the FINAL (5th month) evaluation for a promotional probationary employee. If offered the position, the employee shall return to their previously held regular, permanent position upon the completion of the limited. You must retire on the same date from each public retirement system participating in a reciprocal agreement for all benefits of reciprocity to apply. The contracts awarded through this RFP may be renewed for up to two more years, depending on funding availability and Contractor's performance.