The first step is to meet with your department's HR Partner to discuss if a PIP is needed. We all have performance blind spots.Catastrophic Vacation and Sick Leave Forms:. Districts and operating partners may use this document as a template and reference for developing their performance contracts. Employee's Name: __________SES PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT MODEL__________________________. The Performance Appraisal Form is designed to create a coaching culture, develop employees, and build a pipeline for succession planning. A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), or Performance Action Plan (PAP), can be used to give an employee with performance gaps the opportunity to succeed. This Agreement is performable in Johnson County, Texas and venue of any action arising out of this Agreement shall be exclusively in Johnson County, Texas. Upon receiving a Certificate of Occupancy the Applicant may request payment of a one-time grant of. It also sets out what support or assistance will be provided to help the employee achieve their goals.