This Agreement is made and entered into as of. CONSULTANT shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this Agreement.You can use this template to help you make a performance agreement with your employee. Vacation time granted during this first year of employment is not eligible for payout in the event that the employee leaves employment prior to the one year. The signed employee performance evaluation is placed in the personnel file at the City. The term of this Agreement shall be a program year beginning July 1,. 20 to June 30, 20 . 2. It also sets out what support or assistance will be provided to help the employee achieve their goals. An additional personal leave may be granted after each three complete years of teaching experience in the Hillsborough County School. System. 1 A new employee hired in a restricted appointment may fill a position during an absence of the regular incumbent for a six-month health leave of absence.