This Use Management Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is entered into between Maricopa. Here are the procedures and guidelines for filling out the Official Functions Form.They apply regardless of the source of funds being used for the expense. The transition includes the transfer of all records, and other data in the possession, custody, or control of contractor required to be provided to the County. These are coordinated with the MCCCD Foundation and require Risk Management, President, and Chancellor approval. Recipient shall be responsible for all errors and omissions Recipient commits in the performance of this Agreement that are a breach of this standard. This Commercial Management Concession Agreement hereinafter referred to as "Agreement," is entered into between. At least annually, the MCWDB Chair, MCWDB Executive Director, and the. Discussion and Action. May serve in a position of Step-Up Supervisor to assist with administrative duties or fill supervisor vacancies on a limited basis.