An employee has 10 working days to complete and sign his or her report on performance after receipt. Click on below headings for more information on this topic.Description. Used to evaluate an employee's job performance. A classified employee shall receive work performance standards (WPS). An Employee Evaluation Form is a vital tool used to assess an employee's job performance comprehensively and offer constructive feedback. Under AB 47, which is effective October 1, 2021, a noncompete agreement may no longer apply to an employee who is paid solely on an hourly wage basis. If you're a Nevada business that needs to hire employees, use a Nevada employment contract template to outline terms of employment. Under AB 47, which is effective October 1, 2021, a noncompete agreement may no longer apply to an employee who is paid solely on an hourly wage basis. II. AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT. This policy establishes consistent and equitable opportunities for providing alternative work arrangements for eligible employees.