View the Performance Agreement for Musical Services in NC in our extensive collection of PDFs and resources. As mentioned earlier, you can check out the examples available online to make sure your agreement template is in the right format.At Carolina, the annual performance appraisal reflects on the progress of the previous year. Submit Appendix E form with monthly pay applications to the owner and forward copies to the University of North Carolina, Office of the President. Agreement to verify accounts and data affecting fees or performance in accordance with North. Carolina General Statutes §143-49(9) and §147-64.7. 16. Complete and forward this Performance Appraisal form to the Administrative Office of the Courts, Human Resources. This may result in a more objective appraisal. Funded agencies and organizations specifically agree to the conditions set forth in the Performance Agreement (contract). Advertising. Institutional goals automatically populate into the Performance Plan task and are not manually entered.