All OOD employees shall be evaluated in the ePerformance application in OAKS at least once a year. The primary goal of corrective action is to facilitate performance and behavior improvement, rather than to serve as a punitive action.The process includes: (1) setting objectives; (2) recommended mid-year review of the objectives; and (3) an Annual Review at the end of the rating period. Annual performance evaluations for all staff. Set goals, rate competencies, and provide feedback to enhance productivity and job satisfaction. Flexible Work Agreement Process. Employees and managers should work together to follow the three-step process below to complete a flexible work agreement. Before the end of the performance cycle, supervisors, including temporary or interim supervisors, shall complete a formal year-end evaluation. A collective bargaining agreement usually sets out your rights as a union employee. Ohio Labor Laws are meant to strengthen the rights of workers in the state, as well as strengthen the employeeemployer relationship.