During your conversation, please fill out the Professional Contract Request Form on Engage. The Commission may also administer an Energy Performance Contract on behalf of a state supported university or college at their request.Ohio University often works with suppliers under a contract because it allows both parties to negotiate specifications regarding a product or service. The quickest way to reach the team is to fill out this Performance Team Contact form. Enter the request on the "Services" line and complete all necessary fields. To establish a rule through which the university can purchase and sell property necessary to conduct its operations. The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission's Office of Energy Services administers Energy Savings Performance Contracts for state agencies. Complete the Enrollment Information Form for Contract Course Students to begin the contractual outreach course registration process​. Those individuals completing programs at LKCC are then able to continue on to fouryear programs to complete a bachelor's degree. Prior to completing the form, be prepared to provide the following information: Name of the Contractor and full address; Title of the initial agreement.