Step 1 Click the 'Add' button which is located at the top righthand corner of the above screen. This document helps the user to understand how to use the performance module system functionalities, capabilities, stepbystep procedures to access the module.Complete and submit final report. • CPS HR reviewed responses and made any corrections prior to completing and delivering this final report. These performance review email samples make communicating with managers and employees easier throughout the process. Learn how to write a performance review that achieves great results, with actionable tips and a step-by-step guide. The sample template below has been formatted to letter size for viewing and when downloaded, it should be reformatted to fit on legal size (landscape view) Complete your chosen Performance Appraisal form for the employee. This Employment Agreement ("Agreement") dated as of January 15, 2021 ("Effective. Human ResourcesUnion ContractsHTML contract portalPSNU. PSNU.