The basis of an effective performance plan is developing and communicating clearly defined performance expectations to assist the staff member. The Performance and Staff Development Program provides for periodic appraisal of staff.The appraisal process is designed to encourage constructive dialogue. A performance guarantee agreement is a contract between a company and client that determines performance expectations and guarantees they will be met. Every City agency should develop a concise statement of mission, goals, and objectives, either in a strategic plan, or in some other document. A new employee will not be eligible to receive vacation until he or she has completed a full year of service. Non-competition clauses vary in length of time and can not only restrict a geographic area but also prevent you from working with specific future employers. The EPR factor links explain each rating factor and the rating scale, and give instructions on completing the form. Said employee will not be permited to replace another full me employee, regardless of seniority, but they may displace the most junior part me. To get started, please fill out this form HERE.