Salt Lake County will maintain an employee performance development and improvement plan to ensure it is in line with county and agency expectations. Access the updated Performance Plan and Appraisal for goal development, quarterly conversations, and end-of-year appraisals for supervisors and employees.The District agrees to employ Employee, and Employee agrees to serve the District, on the terms and conditions set forth herein. Employee's Name: __________SES PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT MODEL__________________________. 1.4 The District and the Associations will enter into negotiations one time per fiscal year to discuss and establish wage and benefits. THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") which is signed as of. INDEMNITY: Contractor shall be fully liable for the actions of its agents, employees, officers, partners, and. A performance agreement can be a useful tool for setting targets, increasing accountability, and ensuring that you and your sales team are on the same page. Conducting employee performance reviews for the first time? Looking to overhaul your entire process?