For demand letter writing near San Antonio, TX, count on the Attorneys at The Dushkin Law Firm. We Defend Debt Lawsuits.We are San Antonio, Texas Debt Collection Lawsuit and Credit Card Debt Lawsuit Attorneys who defend you for flat legal fee. Highlight the pertinent part(s) you are referring to in the demand letter. This article will make the process of responding to a debt lawsuit a little bit easier and tell you how to answer a summons for debt collection in Texas. In this article, readers will find a comprehensive example collection letter sample designed to maximize response rates and ensure clarity. Dallas and San Antonio Collections Lawyer Logo. Call Today for a Free Consultation 214-880-9988 (Dallas) or 210-550-1123 (San Antonio). In San Antonio, Texas County and District Courts you usually have about 21 days to file an answer to the debt collection lawsuit. These cases can include credit card, medical, payday loan, or any other type of consumer debt.