The 1972 Convention for Safe Containers has two goals. One is to maintain a high level of safety of human life in the transport and handling of containers.Setting Containers out for Collection with specific focus on minimizing contamination of Recyclable. – Annex I contains regulations for the testing, inspection, approval and maintenance of containers. The convention requires that any container used for international transport must be fitted with a valid safety approval plate (CSC Plate). The present Convention applies to new and existing containers used in international transport, excluding containers specially designed for air transport. 1. Fill out Items 1 through 11 and sign the declaration. 2. IMO Convention for Safe Containers Online (CSC) Training Course. Details. These Ports, together, represent the third largest shipping container complex in the world. The parties hereto acknowledge that Owner acquired the property described in the SPT Purchase Agreement, the UP Purchase Agreement and the ATSF Purchase.