Any of the following may be submitted as proof of English proficiency, with the appropriate scores noted: • TOEFL IBT: score of 80. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the.The Community College of Allegheny County has articulation agreements with 29 colleges and universities that facilitate easy credit transfers in 125 programs. Agreement to complete benefit selections; otherwise, benefits will be forfeited. Penn State Greater Allegheny and Duy Tan University in Da Nang, Vietnam, signed an agreement for academic collaboration on Jan. 17. Our agreement extends the internationalizing of Penn State and also extends the international capacity of Duy Tan University. Description: The agreement acknowledges the history of cooperation between Massachusetts and the Province of Mendoza in the areas of science and technology. Claiming a dispute has arisen out of the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement.