Discover the essential steps and legal intricacies involved in hiring independent contractors from overseas for US companies. If you contract with a foreign company or selfemployed workers who operate under a business entity, you'll need to collect IRS Form W8BENE.If they are foreign workers residing outside of the company, have them fill out FORM W-8BEN. Click here to download Form W-8BEN. This article will outline four steps for hiring international contractors overseas and how Wise can help cut costs on global payments. Learn how to hire independent contractors overseas and ensure compliance with foreign employment laws to avoid misclassification risks. A US company that engages foreign independent contractors must become familiar with the independent contractor requirements and tax laws in every country. It is critical that business owners correctly determine whether the individuals providing services are employees or independent contractors. The W8BEN and W8BENE forms are essential for foreign independent contractors and businesses. Employers must request Form W8 BEN from foreign contractors who meet the criteria before they are compensated for services rendered.