9th Annual Florida International Trade and Cultural Expo (FITCE) on October 23-24, 2024. This year's special session main themes: Manufacturing and Tourism.Our goal is to identify, assess, and clean up soil and groundwater contamination while protecting human health and the environment. We're building a space that captures the energy of Fort Lauderdale and raises the bar for events. Broward County Convention Center's sustainability goal is to ensure a safe and healthy atmosphere for our valued guests. We are making it easy for your group to volunteer while meeting in Broward. Access may be necessary to conduct a complete investigation of a possible contamination or degradation of the environment. (b). The Broward County Board of County Commissioners is seeking qualified candidates for Maintenance Manager. Guest Services is here to help you throughout your entire experience. Our Family Medicine Residency Program is committed to train residents to practice quality healthcare in a rapidly changing world.