The Climate Action Plan (CAP) is the County's strategic approach to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from sources throughout the unincorporated area. − Work with CCTA to fill gaps in the countywide LowStress Bike.Network, as outlined in the 2018 Countywide Bicycle and. Note: The Climate Action Plan (CAP) pertains to County operations, County facilities, and the unincorporated communities in the County. We have various applications and forms available on our web site for your convenience. Three Contra Costa County cities receives grant money to plant trees and perform other tasks in an effort to combat climate change. There are more new carbon- neutral and low-carbon buildings in Contra Costa. County. Efforts to achieve this include electrification, energy efficiency and. "Jerry" Brown Jr. recently announced a settlement agreement with ConocoPhillips for an. "unprecedented global warming reduction plan" to offset the greenhouse.