SPARTECA is a nonreciprocal trade agreement in which Australia and New Zealand offer duty-free and unrestricted access for specified products. The purpose of completing a PIRA is to determine at the outset whether the RIA requirements apply and whether RIAT involvement is required.Because the generic. International Agreements​​ The following countries have Bilateral Air Service Agreements with the Cook Islands: (a) Fiji; (b) (Open Skies) 2000; MEAs are legally binding International Agreements between three or more state parties based on a common environmental goal. United States' international agreements have been in the form of an executive agreement. Convention on Conservation of Nature in the South Pacific Region (Apia Convention). Getinge enters into commercial distribution agreement with Cook Medical for iCast covered stent system in the United States. After 50 percent, there is no continued affirmative obligation to hire. Sign up to receive safety and security alerts and other local updates while abroad.