When a US company hires independent contractors who are US residents, it should have contractors complete Form W9. If the payee is a foreign company or a foreign individual (non-resident alien for U.S. tax purposes), they should complete the appropriate Form W-8.An independent contractor agreement is a contract between a freelancer and a company or client outlining the specifics of their work together. Learn how to hire independent contractors overseas and ensure compliance with foreign employment laws to avoid misclassification risks. If you contract with a foreign company or selfemployed workers who operate under a business entity, you'll need to collect IRS Form W8BENE. Apply to Interpreter, Post-doctoral Fellow, Tutor and more! A new Independent Contractor Contracts Attorney job is available in Dallas, Texas. Check it out on DBA Career Center. For more information, please see Employee Taxes. All proposals must be received on or before the due date and specified time.