The proposed agreement establishes a regional mutual aid law enforcement assistance to cooperate in the delivery of public safety services to. Employees must hold a Texas Peace Officer license before performing law enforcement duties. 2.Insurance industry representatives have informed us the stolen vehicle treaties provide discernible improvements in the cooperation of foreign authorities. A state agency may enter into an agreement with the United Mexican States, a political subdivision of the United Mexican States, an agency of the United States. Operation Cooperation represented a significant milestone in examining LE-PS partnerships and developing practical guidelines for forming and sustaining them. Yet this challenge remains particularly urgent in the field of law enforcement. Firefighters and Police Officers of the City may not engage in strikes against the. City. It is a part of California law enforcement; and those that participate benefit and share in the concept of "neighbor helping neighbor. " Mark N. Pazin, Chief. Under Section 4003(d), the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) may make agreements with the Secretary to help carry out the provisions of Title IV.