Learn how U.S. companies can hire foreign independent contractors, covering legal aspects, benefits, and compliance tips. Learn how to hire independent contractors overseas and ensure compliance with foreign employment laws to avoid misclassification risks.This guide will help you learn how to hire overseas contractors and pay them compliantly. How to hire overseas contractors in a foreign country. Before an applicant can apply for a temporary worker visa, USCIS must first approve the Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I-129. There are two immigration routes that our clients utilize to hire foreign construction workers (1) H-2B Visa (Temporary Worker) and (2) EB-3 (Green Card). We recommend a lead time of at least 9 months before the hire date for our office and Fragomen to prepare and file the non-immigrant petition. Yes, you can obtain an O1 visa as an independent contractor. Keep in mind, however, that you are subject to the same requirements as other applicants. Yes, a U.S. company can hire international workers abroad.