These international child support agreements specify procedures for establishing and enforcing child support orders across borders. Exclusivity is a feature in the U.S. of both state and international child support orders as a recent Australia case shows.Australia and the United States have a bilateral agreement to enforce child support payments for parents resident in their country when the child is abroad. Answers parents' questions about international child support cases, and international parental abduction. This brochure explains what type of child support applications and appeals can be filed in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (the Court). We may be able to help you set up child support when you or the other parent live in another country. When parents or guardians live in different states, you can open a child support case in a local child support agency where one parent lives. The agreement limits the jurisdiction of the 2 Contracting States (that is, Australia and New Zealand). The Convention is intended to ensure the effective international recovery of child support payments and other forms of family maintenance. Number 10, August 1999.