Download an independent contractor agreement form that suits your needs and fill in the details before agreeing to a new project. This sample agreement is provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as an offer of legal advice or counsel.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT from FRANKLIN COVEY CO filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Instructions for Application. Fill out front side of application printing with pen or typewriter. Use this approved Vendor Contract template when the College is engaging an independent contractor to perform a service for the College. Fill in forms are now available. Contractor's Base Bid shall include all services, installations, and cost required to complete the project and systems as if there were no Allowances. Contractor's Base Bid shall include all services, installations, and cost required to complete the project and systems as if there were no Allowances. " Failure to complete or resubmit required paperwork may result in a contractor being delayed in starting or being removed from the job assignment.