Depending on the type of contractor, you will need to collect: W9 for US based contractors. W8-BEN for individual foreign contractors.International Independent Contractors are non-US-based service providers who perform a specific skill outside the usual scope of University activities. Independent Contractor Agreement between Scott J. Miller and Franklin Covey Co., dated November 1, 2020. 10.3. The W8 BEN is essentially the W9 for international workers. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT from FRANKLIN COVEY CO filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. A sample independent contractor service template for foreign services is included in the Hiring Abroad Toolkit. e. When a US company hires independent contractors who are US residents, it should have contractors complete Form W9. When a US company hires independent contractors who are US residents, it should have contractors complete Form W9. They generally send invoices to the company, and they fill out form W9, control their own work, and pay selfemployment taxes.