The answer generally is "no" — Notary commissions are not transferable between states. If you do not want to participate in any Overdraft Elect Plan please fill out the form on our Overdraft Services page, call us at 1.800.Simpler, smarter, safer. The notary must date, sign and seal the document; all signatures and seals must be original. The Office of the Clerk of Superior Court approves and issues commissions of notary public. Each commission is for a term of four years and may be renewed. If you do not want to participate in any Overdraft Elect Plan please fill out the form on our Overdraft Services page, call us at 1.800. Never worry that it's too late to get a notary public in Georgia. Accepted in all 50 states. To complete and print out an online passport application, please click on the Online Passport Application link.