A template contractor agreement specifically designed for Australian-based businesses to use when hiring contractors who are based outside of Australia. Please fill out the following form completely.Let's take a look at a simple Independent Contractor Agreement that you can use as the basis for creating your own contract. The Contractor will provide all personnel, equipment, facilities, and supplies necessary to perform the Services, except as set forth in the applicable SOW. THIS CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, is made and entered into on this 10 day of July ,. One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the United States, the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, and the seventh-tallest in the world. Exhibit 2: Contractor Performance Report. I'm an attorney available to help individuals and small businesses in Georgia with initial business set-up, required filings, tax strategies, etc. Within the tolerances provided below, the Contractor's sample will serve as the quality control sample for the affected sublot. Privacy notice, we value your trust when you share personal data with us.