The United Nations in Georgia, as a long standing partner of the Government has formulated the 20212025 UN Sustainable. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.The 2016 Edition of the "Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia" has been revised with a focus on erosion control. NRCS experts from many disciplines come together to help landowners conserve natural resources in efficient, smart and sustainable ways. The Natural Resource Conservation Achievement Awards are annual Department of the. A precautionary approach to addressing environmental threats can be traced back to domestic German law in the 1970s. The School of Agriculture and Natural Resources takes pride in getting involved in the local community. Appendix I provides a complete list of all permitted impacts through 2023 that have generated ILF payments and the funds available for. Unique natural and cultural areas which are of such international value that they. Natural Resources, the Convention on Nature Protection and.