Employment contracts typically set out the term or length of employment, compensation and benefits, job duties, and circumstances for termination. Learn how U.S. companies can hire foreign independent contractors, covering legal aspects, benefits, and compliance tips.The Foreign Labor Certification Program allows employers to hire foreign workers as permanent or temporary employees. If you contract with a foreign company or selfemployed workers who operate under a business entity, you'll need to collect IRS Form W8BENE. A. Express in written form the complete AGREEMENT between the parties on hours, wages and other conditions of employment. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about bringing a selfemployed worker on board, wherever they are in the world. If you are hiring a foreign contractor, you will need to have them complete IRS Form W8BEN. The equivalent form for overseas contractors is W8BEN. The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative for the following unit of Hennepin. Learn how labor laws define 'contractors' and 'employees' in the contractor's country.