Learn how U.S. companies can hire foreign independent contractors, covering legal aspects, benefits, and compliance tips. Avoid pitfalls when making payments to foreign contractors.Follow these 4 tips to ensure compliance with tax laws and avoid payroll errors. Below, we've compiled the basics on how to pay international contractors in Kenya so that you can get your global workforce off the ground. In this blog, we'll go through the legal and compliance issues that countries must consider before hiring a foreign independent contractor. The equivalent form for overseas contractors is W8BEN. Explore the surge in demand for international contractors, the benefits of hiring global talent, and key factors to consider in making the right decision. Learn how to determine whether a person providing a service to you is an employee or an independent contractor. This how-to guide provides the best methods and resources to make overseas payments to international contractors quickly, safely and securely. Hire international independent contractors, access the global talent pool, obey local labor laws, and handle tax implications efficiently.