You'll need to solicit applicants, review their applications, and make an offer with an independent contractor agreement. Learn about AB 5 and how to determine if a worker is an independent contractor or employee.When a US company hires independent contractors who are US residents, it should have contractors complete Form W9. Contractor agrees that he will be available to provide services of up to 80 hours per month (on average, but not to exceed 90 hours in any given month) Learn how to hire independent contractors overseas and ensure compliance with foreign employment laws to avoid misclassification risks. 15.01 Independent Contractor Status. Operator is an independent contractor in the performance of all activities and functions pursuant to this Agreement. How do I convert a contractor into an employee? Set up contractor payments with automated contractor management software. A withholding agent sends Form 587 to an out‑of‑state independent contractor (vendor) before making a payment for services.