Generally, individuals with green cards can open their own businesses and operate as independent contractors. Foreign labor contractors recruit workers residing outside the United States for employment opportunities in California.What Kind of ID Documents Do You Need for Form 19? File a visa petition using USCIS Form I140. Once the labor certification is approved, the employer can file a visa petition. Apply to Housekeeper, Dishwasher, Baggage Handler and more! The H2B visa program allows US employers to hire foreign nationals from about 80 eligible countries to fill seasonal and other temporary positions. Jeelani Law Firm helps US clients hire foreign construction workers through H-2B Temporary Worker Visas and EB-3 Visas (Green Card). The I140 petition helps to prove that the foreign employee fulfills the prerequisites for the specific employment category. 4. If your job in the U.S. requires an advanced degree, you could also qualify.