Freelancers can also set up Venmo business profiles, which allow clients to issue payments the same way individual Venmo users pay each other over the app. Discover essential steps for safely paying international contractors.Our guide simplifies compliance, currency, payment methods, contracts, and more. Paying foreign contractors can be a hassle. In this article, you'll understand how to set up a compliant, easy process to pay international contractors. Step 1: Determine correct classification of service payment per University of California Independent Contractor Guidelines. If you use a global payroll service like Rippling, you can pay independent contractors seamlessly along with the rest of your global workforce. Venmo isn't the right platform for paying contractors because you don't have the ability to track how much and how often you're paying people. Employees: You are responsible for withholding payroll taxes from a remote employee's paycheck and paying a portion of their payroll taxes. If you are hiring Foreign Contractors and they are not US Citizens.