The purpose of this Contract is to authorize the CONTRACTOR to provide administrative services in preparing grant to. The parties agree that the "independent contractor" is independent of the "business" in the execution of the work and not subject to the rule or control of the.Once we have reviewed this agreement and obtained the authorized signature(s) from NAU, we will send the form to the Arizona Department of Administration, Risk. Use our Independent Contractor Agreement to create a contract between a company and a contractor (or freelancer). If you have questions about Independent Contractor Agreements or want one drafted, call local Phoenix Business Planning Attorney. Going to hire a contractor in the USA? The transition includes the transfer of all records, and other data in the possession, custody, or control of contractor required to be provided to the County. You can create Administrative Services Contracts to protect yourself when you are planning to offer administrative services. • Instructions for Completing a Contract for Professional Services. • How to determine when to use a Contract for Professional Services vs.