The North Carolina Environmental Policy Act was originally adopted in 1971, Chapter 113A Pollution Control and Environmental Article 1. Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques– The purposes of the signatories in enacting this Compact are: (a). The purposes of this Article are: to declare a State policy which will encourage the wise, productive, and beneficial use of the natural resources of the State. International environmental agreements (IEAs) are signed treaties that regulate or manage human impact on the environment in an effort to protect it. National Geographic Grants. Get Covered New Jersey is the only place to find financial help to lower the cost of health coverage. For President Biden, protecting our planet starts with ensuring everyone lives in a safe and healthy environment. The initial environmental justice spark sprang from a Warren County, North Carolina, protest. The ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE program at NCWC provides the foundation to pursue academic and career goals through research and exploration in the field.