Useful documents: Price list, Contract, General and special conditions apply, Old contracts and general and special conditions, Other documents, Contests rules. The company signed a multimillion euro, 5-year contract extension with Orange Business, which will result in a 20-year partnership.THIS AGREEMENT to provide for Administration of a Health Reimbursement Arrangement Program,. ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT between ORANGE GLO INTERNATIONAL, INC. The Orange Service Publication documents are listed below. Telefónica and Orange reached a new commercial wholesale deal to access Telefonica's FTTH network, representing an extension of the current 2016 agreement. To initiate the Provost's approval process, please fill out and submit the online (Formstack) Academic Contract Request form. Detailed Request for Proposals are on file at the Division of Procurement, City Hall, 1st floor, between the hours of am pm. ADR applicable as from 1 January 2023. 52.225-5, Trade Agreements.