The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. These documents offer information and guidance for local climate action planning in the Commonwealth.There you can review the complete Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan 2021 in depth to inform your policy, planning, and program decision making. Advancing innovative, sciencebased solutions in Pennsylvania that match the urgency of the climate crisis. Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan 2018 identi es over 100 actions that state and local government leaders can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan 2021 outlines a bold, multi-sector approach to significantly reduce GHG emissions with short- and long-term goals. Learn about the ways climate change is affecting Pennsylvania and what its citizens are doing to mitigate and adapt to it. In the long run, the reduction of GHGs will mitigate the impacts of climate change. These commitments are known as the Paris. Climate Agreement (Paris Agreement).