To do this, you must fill out and file Form 1099-MISC at the end of the fiscal year. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about bringing a selfemployed worker on board, wherever they are in the world.Please fill out the following form completely. Hiring an independent contractor to produce creative works? Download this Creative Independent Contractor Agreement to set the expectations of both parties. This article will outline four steps for hiring international contractors overseas and how Wise can help cut costs on global payments. All independent contractor agreements must clearly state that the person doing the job is an independent contractor and not an employee. Learn about AB 5 and how to determine if a worker is an independent contractor or employee. Readers of this sample agreement should not rely upon this document without seeking legal advice from a licensed attorney in the reader's state. GXO is creating game-changing opportunities with our ever evolving logistics and supply chain management.