A written agreement (e.g. Contract, purchase order, statement of work, etc.) exists with the College that spells out the task(s) or service(s) to be performed.Instructions: This form should be completed for each key personnel involved in the performance of this contract. Answer all questions in the space provided. RTA agrees to reimburse the Contractor up to the sum specified on page 1 that shall constitute full and complete compensation for the Contractor's services. In accordance with PAG's procurement policy, this Contract may be renewed annually for an additional three years. In accordance with PAG's procurement policy, this Contract may be renewed annually for an additional three years. DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS: Only sign a contract agreement WITH A PROPERLY LICENSED CONTRACTING PROFESSIONAL. The Procurement Department utilizes Pima County Public Access (OnBase) as the official contract database for Pima County. Any action relating to this Agreement must be filed and maintained in the appropriate court of the State of Arizona in Pima County.