The PandaDoc Massage Therapist Independent Contractor Agreement Template is a great starting point if you want a document that outlines all expectations. A massage contractor agreement is used between an independent therapist and a massage company.The agreement is for any type of therapist that uses their hands. Use Jotform's purchase agreement template to ensure you get the right information with a professionally designed document. E-SignServices. The contract includes the start date and duration of the agreement, as well as the duties that the therapist must perform. This document outlines a massage therapist contractor agreement between a company and therapist. It details the term of agreement, duties and payment terms. A written agreement (e.g. Contract, purchase order, statement of work, etc.) exists with the College that spells out the task(s) or service(s) to be performed. Let's take a look at a simple Independent Contractor Agreement that you can use as the basis for creating your own contract.