A written agreement (e.g. Contract, purchase order, statement of work, etc.) exists with the College that spells out the task(s) or service(s) to be performed.ARTICLE IX - STATUS OF CONTRACTOR. The County has a need for an Independent Contractor to provide One Stop Operator Services to comply with WIOA (hereinafter, the Services); and,. An independent contractor agreement is a legally binding contract between an individual contractor and a company (ie your business). Contract. This provision must be included in all contracts between Awardee and its subcontractors providing goods or services pursuant to this Contract. Contract. Awardee: . Catholic Community Services, dba. THIS RECRUITMENT IS TO ESTABLISH A REGISTER for current and future LAW CLERK UNCLASSIFIED vacancies in the Pima County Attorney's Office. This page helps employers determine if their workers are employees or independent contractors, sometimes called contract labor.