The new law addresses the "employment status" of workers when the hiring entity claims the worker is an independent contractor and not an employee. 1. Fill Out the Report of Independent Contractors form (FORM DE 542) and mail or fax it to.It is understood and agreed that CONTRACTOR (including CONTRACTOR's employees) is an independent contractor and that no relationship of employer-employee. It is understood and agreed that Contractor (including contractor's employees) is an independent contractor and that no relationship of employer-employee exists. AB 2257 expressly repeals Labor Code section 2750.3, which is the main part of old AB 5. Instead, it enacts new sections 2775-85 of the Labor Code. It is understood and agreed that Contractor (including contractor's employees) is an independent contractor and that no relationship of employer-employee exists. Verify is a webbased system that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. We are improving the quality of life for people around the world through science, technology, and innovation. Phillips 66 leads in energy manufacturing and logistics.