Now, the City is in the process conducting a complete CAP Update to reflect the more ambitious nature of the climate issues facing us today. The Climate Action Plan 2022 sets new targets for reaching aggressive emissions reductions across five main focus areas.CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.5 allows for public agencies to analyze and mitigate GHG emissions as part of a larger plan for the reduction of GHGs. Agency (EPA) under assistance agreement 98T76501 to the County of Santa Clara. The intent of this RFP is to select a consultant to develop a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for the City of Campbell. The report describes the scientific foundation for a proposed Basin Plan Amendment that will update Regional Water Board policies on fill wetlands. Wetland Policy Climate Change Update Project: Wetland Fill Policy Challenges and Future Regulatory Options: Findings and Recommendations. Source. Authors. Further, working and natural landscapes – particularly forests. Work to reduce fire danger continues to be important, especially given the county's extreme drought conditions and the ongoing challenges of climate change.