Please select the appropriate Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN or SSN) type and enter your 9 digit ID number . New line 3b has been added to this form.The revised 2024 form breaks off a new line 3b, adding an additional checkbox for entities that indicate in line 3a (former line 3) that they are a partnership. Foreign vendors do not complete the Substitute Form W-9; foreign persons or entities must submit one of five available forms. Form W9 is a commonly used IRS form for providing necessary information to a person or company that will be making payments to another person or company. These instructions supplement the instructions for Forms W8 BEN, W8 BENE, W8 ECI, W8 EXP, and W8 IMY. The Commonwealth of Virginia has a substitute W-9 that is required in lieu of the IRS W-9. PDF of COV W-9 SAMPLE Do NOT use this sample version for the COV W-9.