In the case of a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ), only the names of those submitting responses will be revealed. Use this form to request a management proposal.For comments and suggestions or all other general inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. To access the Internal Event Request Forms, log on to Ad Astra before clicking the request form links below. If you are interested in teaching an Honors class, please use this form to help you plan the specifics of your course. Please fill out this form to request a proposal for a convention, meeting, or event in Fort Collins. The request for proposal must state the selection criteria in the request for proposals or qualifications, as applicable. Please complete the following worksheet listing any and all exceptions from the information requested in the Request for Proposal. Event Request Forms must be submitted a minimum of 10 days in advance. Please complete the following worksheet listing any and all exceptions from the information requested in the Request for Proposal.