To register to bid on Illinois RFPs, you need to create an account on the state BidBuy platform via the Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG). A Request for Proposal (RFP) is the appropriate competitive selection process for purchasing goods or services when price is not the most important criteria.The City of Elgin requires submissions for all bids, request for proposals (RFPs), and quotes. Please click on the links below to view current opportunities. The City of Springfield Electronic Vendor Bids Portal now allows questions on Bid and Proposal opportunities to be submitted online. Each bidder must receive at least 3 days' notice of the time and place of the bid opening. Any questions or concerns regarding the bid should be addressed to the name and phone number that appear on the RFP prior to any bid opening. 2 Bidding provisions that apply only to the City of Chicago are set out separately in Section 8101 of the Illinois Municipal Code.3. The proposal must be submitted in two separate packets.