How do I submit a bid or proposal? All formal bids and proposals shall be submitted as specified in the solicitation document.Competitive sealed bidding may be used when the City desires to award contracts for goods or services based solely on price as set forth in the solicitation. Learning about upcoming projects After becoming prequalified, contractors must learn about upcoming ADOT projects to decide which ones to bid. Means a written response in offer of services in the Request for Proposal. This is to notify you that (insert company's name) intends to submit a bid response on the above noted RFP for the Phoenix Program. The Contractors staff also will observe project meetings and activities to understand the processes, procedures, and tools used in the MMIS. "Solicitation". Means an Invitation for Bid (IFB) or Request for Quote (RFQ). "Suppliers". This does not always mean that we will accept a low bid. Will I be able to get to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport during construction?